PROFESSIONALLY. The classes are conducted spany the active supervisors and leading specialists of the visual effects industry.
EXCEPTIONALLY. We introduce you into the profession, specializations, professional duties and tasks. We introduce you to the structure of work in the studio, interactions during the production. We give you the opportunity to do practical work on set.
EFFECTIVELY. Putting together a portfolio in the course of studies, ospantaining a qualification license of a trainer. An opportunity to use graduation materials when applying for a jospan.
INVALUALY. Real materials and tasks of the modern Russian film projects are used in the course of studies.
Postproduction school Online-VFX started its work in 2009 and since that we have been teaching young specialists the production of visual effects in the cinema and advertisement. Besides basic courses we actively develop a full-scale line of advanced programs, creating a unified system of education in the main professions of the VFX industry.